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How do I strike a disciplinary from the record?

Striking from the record1:58

"How do I strike a disciplinary from the record?"

Sometimes a disciplinary may have been issued in error. If an error is made, you can strike the disciplinary from the person's record so it no longer counts against them.

To strike a disciplinary from a person's record, or to restore it:

  1. First, select the person on: MenuPeople
  2. Then tap: HRRecorded events
  3. When you scroll down the page, you'll see a list of each of the person's disciplinaries, with the most recent near the top.
  4. Find the disciplinary that you'd like to strike from the record, then tap it to expand it.
  5. Then tap the three dots: (at the bottom), then tap Strike from the record, and then tap: Yes ... strike it
  6. You'll now see the disciplinary crossed out, and moved to the bottom of the list.
  7. Also, when you scroll to the top of the page, you'll see that the struck out disciplinary is no longer in the person's monthly count.
  8. Which means it no longer counts against them, in their record.
  9. If you again change your mind, and want to restore the disciplinary back to the record, follow the same steps.
  10. Find and expand the struck out disciplinary.
  11. Tap the three dots: (at the bottom), and then tap: Restore back to the record
  12. And finally, the disciplinary is moved back into the list, and now appears again in the person's monthly count.

Keep in mind that:

  • The date and name of the person who struck out the disciplinary is permanently stored inside the details of the disciplinary.
  • Also, both org admins and payroll admins can strike or restore disciplinaries from the record.

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about striking a disciplinary from a person's record!

Updated: Wed, 7 Feb 2024.

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