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1. How do I use the recorded events page?

Recorded events2:34

"How do I use the recorded events page?"

The recorded events page stores a rolling six month record of all leave, disciplinary, dismissal, and resignation events for a person.

To see a person's recorded events:

  1. First, select the person on: MenuPeople
  2. Then tap: HRRecorded events
  3. Near the top of the page, you'll see a six month record of "File notes" in pink, and below that, "Write-ups" in navy.
  4. With a count of how many disciplinaries happened in each category, for each of the last six months.
  5. When you scroll down the page, you'll see a list of each of their disciplinaries, with the most recent near the top.
  6. When you tap any of the monthly numbers, the page scrolls you down and highlights the disciplinaries, even if there's more than one.
  7. To see more about a single disciplinary, tap it, and you'll see more details.
  8. Including if a doc was sent, who did the disciplinary, and when.
  9. To see a copy of the sent doc, tap the "View" button: (at the end of the row)
  10. And to download a copy of the sent doc, tap the "Download PDF" button: (on the right)
  11. If a doc wasn't sent for a disciplinary, and can no longer be sent, you'll see the words: "doc not sent"
  12. However, if a doc wasn't sent, but can still be sent, you'll see a blue "review & send doc" link in the heading which takes you to the doc.
  13. When you expand the details, you'll see a yellow waiting circle on the first row indicating that the doc is still waiting to be sent.
  14. And if the disciplinary involved a hearing or suspension, you'll see additional details about those as well.
  15. And finally, if you need to see disciplinaries that are older than six months shown on the page, scroll to the bottom and tap: See full history

Keep in mind that:

  • A prepared disciplinary doc is stored, ready to be sent, only for the most recent disciplinary.
  • Or, in other words, if you haven't sent a disciplinary doc yet, the doc can still be sent right up until a new disciplinary is added.

To learn more:

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about a person's recorded events!

Updated: Sat, 24 Feb 2024.

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