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How do I record a person's resignation, if it's NOT agreed?

Resignation, and you've NOT agreed4:38

"How do I record a person's resignation, if it's NOT agreed?"

When a person resigns, there's usually a discussion about the notice period and ending date. In some cases, you may refuse to agree to the date the person's offered as their last working day.

To record a person's resignation, if you've NOT agreed on their notice period and ending date:

  1. First, select the person who's resigning on: MenuPeople
  2. Then tap: HRResign
  3. And tap the Next button on: "Resigned ... NOT accepted notice"
  4. A pop-up opens showing you a list of questions that you'll need to confirm "Yes" to.
  5. In particular, you'll see the person's default minimum resignation notice period, based on how long the person's worked for you.
  6. Also, by default, it records the date you received the resignation as today.
  7. In many cases, you may have gotten the resignation a few days ago, and then spent a few days trying to agree on their ending date.
  8. Be sure to change the resignation received date back to the date you actually received it.
  9. Next, you'll need to consider if the person's offering you at least the minimum resignation notice period days.
  10. If the person's offering you the minimum days, you probably can't refuse their right to resign.
  11. If the person's offering less than the minimum days, you've got the right to refuse their resignation because of: "breach of contract"
  12. But remember, you can also decide to accept their resignation, regardless.
  13. However, if you decide to refuse their resignation, tap: "Yes" to all the above
  14. Setting the resignation tasks:
    Next, you'll see the number of tasks that 1st Money automatically does for you.
  15. To see the details of what each task does, tap: See all tasks
  16. And then tap expand all: (at the top)
  17. Some of the tasks send an email, or doc. To see a preview of any emails or docs, tap the blue links.
  18. Also, now would be a good time to upload their resignation letter, so you'll always have a copy.
  19. Once you're happy with all the tasks, tap Continue, and then: Yes ... do it
  20. All the tasks are now done in the background.
  21. Sending the "Unable to accept resignation" doc:
    Next, the person needs to be informed, in writing, that their resignation's NOT been accepted.
  22. An "Unable to accept resignation" doc is prepared in the foreground, all ready for you to complete and send.
  23. Read through the "Unable to accept resignation" doc.
  24. If you want to change some text, or type more text in, tap Show editor, and make your changes.
  25. Then when you're ready to send the "Unable to accept resignation" doc, tap Request "Got it", then Yes ... request "Got it", and then: Close
  26. Receiving the "Unable to accept resignation" doc:
    The person now gets an email, asking them to confirm that the "Unable to accept resignation" doc you've sent has been received.
  27. The person can't access the rest of 1st Money until the person's tapped Got it to the "Unable to accept resignation" doc.
  28. Recorded events:
    Now, on "Recorded events" tap the resignation record, to expand it.
  29. You'll see that the doc's been sent.
  30. To see a copy of the sent doc, tap the "View" button: (at the end of the row)
  31. And you'll see the status change, once the person eventually marks the doc as: "Got it"
  32. To see their uploaded resignation letter, you can either tap the resignation "View" button:
  33. And finally, if instead, you're deciding to upload their resignation letter at some future time, you can also find it at: HREnd employment

To learn more:

And that's it! That's everything you need to know about recording a person's resignation, if you've NOT agreed on their notice period and ending date!

Updated: Wed, 7 Feb 2024.

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